Since 1975, the New Hampshire Association of Counties has provided its members with a wide range of services, including research and information, education and professional development, affiliate member support, government relations, county corrections academy, and the NHAC Annual Conference & Trade Show.
The New Hampshire Association of Counties provides a forum to improve inter-county relations and to facilitate effective service delivery through seven active affiliates.
Commissioners Council
The Commissioners Council consists of three elected County Commissioners from each the 10 New Hampshire counties.
Members of this affiliate work together to:
Exchange best practices regarding policy, legal, and administrative matters for the effective administration of county government.
Encourage the continuing improvement of services and public understanding of county government.
Act upon any and all fiscal matters related to the NHAC operations.
Affiliate President:
Commissioner George Maglaras
County Sheriffs
The New Hampshire Sheriff's Association is a statewide organization of 10 elected Sheriffs.
Members of this affiliate work together to:
Strengthen the professional law enforcement services county offices provide to the people of New Hampshire.
New Hampshire sheriffs' authority comes from Part 2, Article 71 of the NH State Constitution and NH RSA 104:6.
All New Hampshire sheriffs are elected every 2 years and are the chief law enforcement officer in their county.
Affiliate President:
William Wright
Registers of Deeds
The Register of Deeds in each county processes information as it relates to ownership of real property within the county and acts as an agent for Department of Revenue Administration.
Members of this affiliate work together to:
Preserve and protect the land records of each county.
Provide, advocate, and protect access to land records.
Provide and coordinate educational programs for local tax assessors, town clerks, land surveyors and legal professionals.
Share information and best practices for recording standards, laws and requirements.
Serve as a resource for the New Hampshire Association of Counties and protect revenue sources for counties.
Affiliate President:
Cathy Berube
County Attorneys
County attorneys serve citizens by prosecuting all felonies committed except first- and second-degree homicide, as well as other crimes at the request of local police agencies.
Members of this affiliate work together to:
Provide equal justice for county residents.
Promote inter-agency relations to investigate and prosecute crimes.
Ensure victims have a voice in the criminal justice process.
Affiliate President:
Martha Ann Hornick
Human Resources
The men and women who serve county government and the citizens of their communities are a valuable resource. Human Resources Administrators assure fair employment practices, recruit qualified individuals, and promote employee retention.
Members of this affiliate work together to:
Assure compliance with state and federal employment laws and regulations.
Promote professional development for employees with supervisory responsibilities.
Promote professional development of county Human Resources Administrators.
Affiliate President:
Kim May
County Corrections
County Corrections provides for the safe, secure detention of sentenced inmates and pretrial defendants court ordered for incarceration. Corrections officers are trained to manage the inmate population in accordance with current laws and national best practices.
Members of this affiliate work together to:
Promote education and professional development.
Support the NHAC Corrections Academy.
Encourage inmates to return to their communities as productive citizens.
Affiliate President:
Superintendent Joseph Costanzo
Nursing Homes
Each county has at least one nursing home, three counties have associated assisted living centers and one has a free standing hospice house. In addition to traditional long term care, most counties' nursing homes also provide short-term post-hospital rehabilitation where residents return to their own homes. We are proud to provide the best of care to all our residents without regard to their ability to pay.
The mission of this affiliate is to:
Develop best care practices through collaboration.
Serve as advocates for the elders in our counties.
Provide and coordinate educational programs for long term care professionals.
Advocate for and promote a full and fair reimbursement system for NH nursing homes.
Ensure that all elders receive the services that they require.
Affiliate President:
Craig Labore